Yank, the Army Weekly, Continental Edition, Vol 1 no 31, Feb 25, 1945
Yank, the Army Weekly, Continental Edition, Vol 1 no 31, Feb 25, 1945 (voorblad) Montecassino Abbey. Hitch in the Soviet, 8th Army Air Force in Sovjet-Unie. Russian Reminiscing, mening over Russen. Outnumbered, Colmar, Elzas, 79th Infantry Division. Air Travel After the War, vooruitblik burgerluchtvaart. Amer of Burma, Amerikaanse fotograaf. Cassino - One Year After, fotocollage. Mail Call, postrubriek. News from home, nieuwsrubriek. Strictly GI. The Sad Sack Cartoon. GI Questions from GIs, vraag-antwoordrubriek. Pin-up, Francis Vorne. Sportrubriek. (achterblad) Cartoons.