Britse eerste hulp post
Foto van Britse eerste hulp post terwijl op de achterkant Duitse krijgsgevangenen afmarcheren. Tekst achterop: "British and Canadian offensive east of Nijmegen. Picture shows: "A wounded Tommy is attended to by stretcher ebareres. he and his pal were hit durignheavy fighting (10 feet away)... dead. He is crumpled up, still clutching his sten gun. Stretcher bearers have jammed their flags into the ground to show the enemy they are assisting a wounded man, and they have placed the stretcher beside him as they bandaged the wounds. Jerries are surendering, leaving a building in the background of the picture. When our cameraman tried to reassure the wounded man telling him that he wasn't badly hit, he replied "That's right mate - nothing so bad that it couldn't be worse"