The War Papers part 78
The War Papers part 78 met artikelen over Mountbatten en: Daily Express, 23 augustus 1945, ''Save the prisoners' order goes out. fleets speed aid. 20-ft sign will guide planes to the camps' pacific 'Russians criticise allies on Greece' 'Mountbatten draws up the surrender terms' 'What the bomb did.' 'Attlee: swift action if peace in peril' 'quisling planned Germanic Britain' The Daily Telegraph, 13 september 1945 'POW union jack over Singapore. SE Asia surrender to mountbatten.' 'Atomic bomb after effect denied. Quite safe to live in Hiroshima' 'Japan's home C-in-C kills himself' 'Von Busch died in British prison camp' 'cross-currents in a Europe in transition' 'Japanese officials to leave Korea soon'