Collectie Gelderland

The War Papers part 37

The War Papers part 37, met artikelen over D-Day en: News Chronicle 5 juni 1944 'Rome falls: Eenemy stream north. Allied tanks won fierce battle in the suburbs' 'Filov takes Bulgaria's next premier to Hitler' 'Fortresses fly into Russia by the score' 'Nazi's have one one supply line left' 'Soviet attacks British policy on Franco' 'Berlin officials admit Nazi's have withdraw to river Tiber' Evening Despatch, 6 june 1944 'Invasion going well: tanks ashore. Allies have foothold: slashing inland all to plan- and what a plan' 'Landings on Guernsey, Jersey' 'Luftwaffe kept away' 'Hitler takes over' Poster: Ours to fight for. Freedom of speech. Freedom of worship. Freedom from want. Freedom from fear.' 'Fields of France dotted with parachutes and planes' 'Eisenhower tells men 'eyes of world on you' 'Hitler will get succession of surprises, says Churchill' 'No retreat permissible on my front - Rundstedt' 'Critics of US soldiers' 'Arrested senator for Algiers was in youch with Nazi agents'